Atkins Diet


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While the popular Atkins Diet was developed over 30 years ago, the recent low-carb craze helped boost its recognition and appeal.  The Atkins Diet promotes weight loss by encouraging dieters to only consume low-carb or no-carb foods.

How does it Work?

Dr. Atkins’ plan focuses on a drastic reduction of carbohydrate intake, as consumers instead eat more high-protein foods.  During digestion, carbohydrates are processed into sugars, which often lead to weight gain.  Therefore, cutting carbohydrates out of one’s diet, while consuming more protein, leads to more consistent blood sugar levels and less stored fat in the body.  Dr. Atkins asserts that, when seeking to lose weight, any food can be deemed either “favorable” or “non-favorable.”  Foods that are high in carbs are deemed “non-favorable,” as they can lead to weight gain.  As dieters restrict carbohydrates from their daily meals, the Atkins Diet guides consumers through four distinct phases.

The Four Phases of the Atkins Diet:

  • Induction

The induction phase is intended to promote initial weight loss by removing excess carbs from one’s diet.  During the induction phase, which lasts 14 days, dieters may only consume 20 grams of net carbs, which can only come from non-starchy vegetables.  Although the induction phase is two weeks long, some dieters choose to remain on this eating plan for a longer period, as the most drastic weight loss tends to occur during this primary phase.

  • Ongoing Weight Loss

In the ongoing phase, dieters may increase their carb intake to 25 grams.  The ongoing phase is similar to the induction phase, although dieters are permitted a slightly greater amount of leeway with increased food options.

  • Pre-Maintenance

This third phase is to begin once a dieter is 5-10 pounds away from his/her ideal weight.  At this point in the diet, consumers may increase their net carb intake to 10 grams a week, yet should still focus and maintain a high-protein diet.

  • Maintenance

In this phase, dieters begin to gradually increase their healthy carbohydrate intake, as some consumers now try to resume a more balanced and “normal” diet.  Also in this phase, dieters must learn about their individual Atkins Carbohydrate Equilibrium (ACE), which is calculated to sustain a dieter’s ideal weight.  The ACE will determine how many carbs an individual can consume without gaining weight.

What are the Pros of the Atkins Diet?

  • Dieters can still enjoy high-fat high-protein foods
  • Many dieters feel less restricted in their food options
  • Blood sugar levels are stabilized, so energy levels may increase
  • Protein allows the body to feel fuller longer, so dieters tend to not feel deprived or hungry

What are the Cons of the Atkins Diet?

  • Many individuals struggle to give up carbs, including pasta, most desserts, fruit, and cereals
  • Carbohydrates also promote the optimum functioning of the brain, so some dieters report feeling less able to focus while remaining on the Atkins Diet
  • Many dieters report that although weight loss was dramatic in the first phase, once a normal or more balanced diet resumed, dieters regained their weight

Some report that this diet is not effective long-term, and is not sustainable.

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