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on March 11th, 2011Billionaire David Murdock’s Quest to Live to be 125 Through Strict Diet
How long can we realistically live? And how does our diet affect how long we will live? These questions have been once again raised following David Murdock’s plans to live to be 125 through a strict diet. Now 87, Murdock is undoubtedly a specimen of health. According to Murdock, has never experienced any physical ailments [&hellip.
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on March 10th, 20117 Foods to Help Trim Your Waistline
Both men and women overwhelmingly agree that the biggest trouble area on the body is the waist. Whether it’s referred to as the “pooch,” the “love handles,” or the unattractive “muffin top,” it’s all the same: extra weight on our waistline! In addition to getting outside and burning off some steam – and some serious [&hellip.
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on March 8th, 2011Are Diet Drinks Sabotaging Your Diet?
We think we’re serving our bodies by eating well, exercising often, and grabbing a diet soda instead of its sugary, calorie-laden counterpart. However, are diet sodas actually helpful for your diet? Researchers have put this question to the test. Recent studies reported by USA Today suggests that it may not be very healthy after all [&hellip.
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on March 9th, 2010Losing Weight and Getting Fit with Belly Dance: Part II
If you are ready to try belly dancing in order to gain specific physical benefits, you’ll quickly learn that the art of belly dancing has the potential to tone your entire body! Although this form of exercise is labeled with the term “belly,” participants engaging in belly dancing are using extensive groups of muscles throughout regions of the body.
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on March 6th, 2010Gain Benefits with Belly Dancing: Part I
If you’re seeking a new, fun, and creative form of exercise, belly dancing may be an ideal option! As belly dancing requires an array of physical movements and muscular demands, individuals engaging in belly dancing exercises are able to enjoy an array of weight loss and physical benefits. While belly dancing often carries the incorrect connotation of sexually removing one’s clothes, the art of belly dancing is actually far less erotic.
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on March 3rd, 2010Can You Lose Weight with Hypnosis?
If you feel you’ve exhausted every weight loss method, fad diet, and exercise program with no results, then you may be able to gain benefits from hypnotherapy. As many individuals who are seeking to boost weight loss results use hypnosis to overcome negative eating habits, many experts assert that hypnotherapy can be a “miracle weight loss cure” for struggling dieters.
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on March 1st, 2010Overcoming Emotional Eating
Emotional eating is a serious problem plaguing millions of dieters around the world. As emotional eating can lead to obesity and an array of obesity-related issues, individuals struggling with any related symptoms may need to seek professional support and treatment. What is Emotional Eating? While, ideally, the body signals its hunger signs when it is [&hellip.
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on February 13th, 2010Cut Calories with Counseling!
According to recent studies, individuals who struggle with obesity may gain greater weight loss results with the support of counseling. As obesity related problems can often stem from emotional or personal issues, many experts believe that counseling serves to help individuals heal the core of their weight-related problems. Contributing Factors to Weight Gain As an [&hellip.
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on August 30th, 2009Healthy Snacks For Kids
As the school year begins and life becomes more hectic, chances are you will have to adjust to lots of on-the-go snacking and meals. No matter how healthy the family meals are, kids will still want to eat snacks between those meals. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing as long as your provide healthy snacks [&hellip.
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on August 27th, 2009Snack Options For College Students
Now is the time when many students pack up their meager belonging and head off to college. For some it is the first time living without the parents. For many it is a return to the unhealthy lifestyle that is prevalent among college students. College, especially the first year, is synonymous with weight gain. The [&hellip.