NV Rapid Weight Loss Beauty Pill

NV Rapid Weight Loss Beauty Pill

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Promoting benefits that include weight loss, healthier skin and hair, along with stronger nails, NV claims to rapidly transform physical appearance. NV, popularly promoted by actress Carmen Electra, is said to be the “First rapid Weight-Loss Beauty Pill.” NV provides consumers with added benefits, as it contains three complex properties: weight loss complex, beauty complex, and energy complex.

Weight Loss

NV contains complex ingredients such as green tea extract, Hoodia Gordonii, and Theobromine.

  • Green Tea Extract – Containing EGCG, Green Tea is reported to contain antioxidant agents, while it also serves to stimulate fat loss while increasing metabolism. EGCG has been proven to increase energy over a 24 hour period, without additional stimulant or chemical additives.
  • Hoodia Gordonii – Hoodia is a natural and herbal extract from a cactus-like plant from desert regions. Hoodia is reported to naturally decrease appetite and food cravings.
  • Theobromine – This agent is chemically similar to caffeine, resulting in increased energy levels, along with increased metabolism from its thermogenic calorie burning properties.


In addition to weight loss benefits, NV contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that serve to benefit one’s physical appearance.

  • Collagen – Improves skin elasticity, reducing wrinkles
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid – A natural antioxidant that protects skin cells
  • Silica – Stimulates collagen synthesis while improving the appearance of hair and nails
  • Biotin – A B-Complex vitamin that improves nail strength and thickness
  • Coenzyme Q10 – As Q10 declines with age, this supplement restores Q10 levels, improving skin health and appearance
  • Energy – NV also claims to boost energy without harmful stimulants, and without side effects such as jitteriness or restlessness.
  • Taurine – Studies show that Taurine enhances energy and provides users with anti-fatigue properties
  • Ginseng – A natural product that has reportedly boosted energy for hundreds of years
  • Rhodiola Rosea – Improves cognitive functioning and mental alertness, while decreasing aerobic fatigue during exercise

Added Benefits

While NV claims to enhance weight loss, beauty, and energy, it also provides users with the following benefits:

  • Ephedra-free
  • Caffeine-free
  • Appetite suppressing properties help aid in the reduction of food cravings

How Do I Take NV?

You should take NV first thing in the morning with a full glass of water, and then follow up with a second dose six hours later. Consumers should not take NV within 6 hours of bedtime, and additional diet and exercise will increase results. NV is available both online and in various drug and health stores.

Potential Side Effects:

  • Harmful for individuals with soy and/or chocolate allergies
  • Caffeine intake must be limited while taking NV
  • Chest Pain may occur
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • Nausea
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