Curves Complete


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Curves is a fitness facility created specifically to cater to the health and wellness needs of women. As one of the most successful fitness franchises in the world, Curves has now developed an online fitness program called Curves Complete. This online program is designed to help support Curves members as they successfully reach their weight loss goals.

The Curves Fitness Program

The Curves fitness facilities are small gyms located in 55 countries around the world. At these locations, women are able to engage in a pre-designed 30-minute exercise cycle. These cycles are planned specifically to meet the weight loss needs and goals of women, as a pre-recorded voice instructs women when and how to move through each fitness machine so that exercises are both efficient and effective.

The Curves Complete Program

Curves Complete supports women who are striving to lose weight by focusing on three main cornerstones:

  • Good nutrition
  • Effective Exercise
  • Continuing Motivation

Added to this, to guide members through the weight loss process, the Curves Complete online program provides women with resources such as:

  • Meal plans
  • Nutrition advice
  • Fitness logs
  • Community support

The Curves Complete Meal Plans

The Curves Complete meal plans provide members with weekly meal options and menu ideas designed to specifically meet each dieter’s needs. The weekly meal plans provide day-by-day ideas for easy to follow recipes. Added to this, the online meal program provides dieters with benefits such as:

  • Printable shopping lists
  • Healthy substitutions
  • Specifically catered nutrition so dieters do not need to count calories

The Curves Complete Nutritional Expertise

In addition to the online meal plans, the Curves Complete program also provides dieters with nutritional expertise based on extensive research provided by Baylor University. Using this research, the Curves Complete system has created a database that includes information on over 30,000 popular foods, where members can discover more about:

  • The nutritional content of foods
  • The specific caloric content of foods
  • Additional information of foods

The Curves Complete Fitness Logs

While members take advantage of their pre-planned 30-minute circuit training sessions at their Curves fitness facility, women can also utilize the Curves Complete online fitness logs in order to track progress and monitor goals. The fitness logs allow members to:

  • Visit a “My Workouts” section to keep track of sessions at Curves facilities
  • Support members as they choose from exercise options such as walking, swimming, tennis, biking, and other various activities
  • Guide members through transitions as their fitness needs and desires change
  • Provide members with recommendations so that dieters can encounter more progress and enjoyable activates / exercises
  • Develop specific plans for each women’s core needs by providing information on exercises for specific muscle groups

The Curves Complete Online Community

In addition to diet and wellness, the Curves Complete program also strives to provide women with a network of support. The online community is designed to allow women to receive expert advice about health and fitness, in addition to providing members with benefits such as:

  • Online message boards for member interaction
  • An opportunity for members to “borrow willpower from a friend,” where they can interact and find encouragement and motivation from other online dieters
  • Read true success testimonials from fellow Curves Complete members
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