Kim Lyons: Your Body, Your Life


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As a well known and popular trainer featured on NBC’s weight loss program “The Biggest Loser,” Kim Lyons is a fitness expert striving to provide dieters with the tips and tools for weight loss success. Encouraging dieters with both discipline and compassion, the Your Body, Your Life program promotes strategies to improve both physical and personal wellness.

How Does the Your Body, Your Life Program Work?

Lyons strives to guide readers through her 12-week program by focusing on specific behaviors. These behaviors may influence a dieters’ weight gain and weight issues, as they include elements such as:

  • Emotional
  • Mental
  • Cognitive

During her 12-week program, Lyons asserts that dieters will be able to achieve their optimum physical, mental, and emotional wellness as she teaches readers about key practices of diet and fitness.

Your Body, Your Life and Nutrition

Lyons promotes healthy eating habits by providing dieters with easy-to-follow email plans that are both healthy and nutritious. Adding to this, Lyons provides additional dietary information and tools such as:

  • How to boost metabolism
  • How certain foods impact the body
  • How to indulge one day per week while still achieving weight loss results

Your Body, Your Life and Exercise

Lyons focuses on a variety of circuit-based training exercises designed to provide dieters with fast and efficient exercises. Each exercise can be customized to cater to each individual’s specific needs, as she has broken her activities into three different levels. Each level provides dieters with a different degree of intensity. During every workout, Lyons guides dieters through intervals of exercise such as:

  • Cardio
  • Strength-training
  • Flexibility exercises

In addition to these core elements, Lyons also teaches dieters how to add in the option of plyometrics exercises. Plyometrics is a new type of activity that allows dieters to increase both the intensity and the effectiveness of their exercise regimen in order to boost results and muscle power.

Benefits of Your Body, Your Life

  • Lyons focuses on the various issues influencing weight gain, including the mental, emotional, and behavioral
  • Lyons provides dieters with specific food and nutrition guides
  • The program incorporates a variety of custom-based exercises to boost results
  • Dieters should experience results in just 12 weeks
  • Lyons is an experienced and well known fitness expert with an extensive professional background
  • Lyons encourages dieters to change their lifestyle behaviors in order to experience long term results
  • The program incorporates a variety of personal and subjective stories to provide readers with added inspiration and motivation
  • Dieters are permitted to engage in a “cheat day” where they can eat any desired foods without abandoning their weight loss pathway / program
  • Lyons’ book is available online and in various bookstores
  • The program is affordable, as it costs approximately $18, although prices may vary
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