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How To Sense Your Real Hunger

Meals are experienced through all the senses. Your ability to see, touch, taste, and smell makes each meal a multisensory experience. The senses make a meal more pleasant but they can also trick you into overdoing it. Avoid overeating by following these simple tips to control your senses and eat better naturally. Smell: Food smells [&hellip.


Hydroxycut Warning – FDA Issues Grave Warning: Popular Hydroxycut Supplement Recalled

Used frequently by dieters and fitness buffs, Hydroxycut now faces fierce scrutiny from the US FDA, who has officially added Hydroxycut to its warning list of dangerous, over-the-counter dietary supplements. Reported Dangers of Hydroxycut Based upon one death and 23 reports of major health issues stemming from Hydroxycut use, including liver failure, kidney failure, seizures, [&hellip.


How to Burn fat While Sipping Tea!

Recent studies and investigations assert that the simple consumption of healthy teas can actually help burn stored body fat! Specifically, the reportedly most powerful teas to help lose weight and burn calories are Green Tea, Oolong (also known as Wu Long), and Kombucha Tea. By sipping these tasty teas throughout the day, experts insist that [&hellip.


New Acai Berry Diet Pills/Supplements

It looks like Acai Berry is still the ‘hot’ diet. So to follow on with this current trend, we have gone ahead and added some new reviews of Acai Berry diet pills/supplements. New Acai Berry Reviews: Acai Body Flush Acai Burn Acai Berry Clear Acai Berry Detox Vital Acai Acai Berry Blast Acai Berry Boom [&hellip.


Natural Weight Loss and Dietary Supplements

In addition to a regimen of diet and exercise, dieters can also take advantage of all-natural weight loss and health supplements. Without chemical additives, these supplements and food products can help improve overall feelings of health, while also helping dieters achieve their weight loss and wellness goals. Garcinia Cambogia Garcinia Cambogia is derived from a [&hellip.


Last Updates Until The New Year

These are the last of the new reviews until the New Year. Diet Pill Reviews: Acai Berry Supreme Acai Berry Ultimate Acai-Noni Burner Acai Berry Maxx Acai Berry 1500 Beautiful Acai White Tea with Acai Extreme Acai Berry Hydroxycut Hoodia Diet reviews: Acai Berry Diet Rosemary Conley’s Hip and Thigh Diet Saint-Tropez Diet Schwarzbein Principle [&hellip.


Update of Diet and Diet Pill Reviews

We would like to apologize to everyone who has been waiting for us to update the blog with the list of newly added diet/diet pill reviews. Here is the list of newly added diet reviews: Okinawa Diet Oprah Diet Optifast Perfect Body Plan Prevention’s Firm Up in 3 Weeks Prevention’s Flat Belly Diet Pritikin Diet [&hellip.


Our Biggest Update of Diet Reviews

We are very pleased to announce that we have just added our biggest update of diet reviews yet. Here is the list of new diet reviews: Healthy Living with Ellie Krieger Hip Hop Abs iTrain iVillage Total Health Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Jillian Michaels Making the Cut Jorge Cruise 12 Second Sequence Jorge Cruise’s [&hellip.


New Diet Pill Reviews

We have finally gotten around to completing some new diet pill reviews. Here are the new reviews: Carbo Delete Cuur CreVax Fastin Hoodia 750 Lipozene Mega-T Green Tea MetaboSpeed VPX Meltdown If you would like to nominate a diet pill for review, leave a comment with the name of the diet pill and where it [&hellip.


Gotti & Gout Diet Reviews + More

We have completed 5 diet reviews. Here is the list: Global Health and Fitness Gold Coast Cure Good Calories Bad Calories Gotti Diet Gout Diet We have some big updates coming next week. Keep an eye out for them. Enjoy the weekend, BDP Staff.